But, Internet, it gets creepier.
This week, I was presented with the challenge of finding my "social bookmarking soulmate." Now, I've had enough trouble trying to find my actual soulmate, so believe me, the concept of another similar quest definitely seemed stressful. However...
So, I did some soul searching. Or, rather, soulMATE searching. Lo and behold, I Stumbled Upon to user "jennytruant," a 25-year-old Californian woman whose profile tells me her name is Tori. But, based on her user name, I feel a bit more comfortable calling her Jenny. So let's.
Jenny is a lot less internet-lazy than I am, believe me. She's been a busy bee, favoriting over 1800 different pages, whereas my StumbleUpon favorites count is still in double digits. But where our worlds collide is the selection of pages she's favorited. A quick glance of her tag cloud tells me that Jenny is into food & cooking, bizarre oddities, humor, photography, crafts, writing, animals, arts, relationships, and music. Done. Like looking in a mirror. (Well, except maybe for the relationships part. Sorry, Jen.)
Of those 1800 Jenny-approved pages, just over 30 of them have Jenny-created comments, and almost all of those reviewed pages are related to Harley motorcycles. To be perfectly honest, I'm not nearly enough of a thrill-seeker to own a motorcycle (I've only even ridden on one one, and I was definitely not the one driving). However, I do think motorcycle are [expletive]ing awesome. So kudos, Jenny.
What I found the most interesting on Jenny's Stumbled sites was (take a guess here...) her food pages.
Let's start with this gem, which hit particularly close to home for me. I may not have mentioned this, internet, but I grew up in a green house. By which, I mean, that the outside of my house was green. However, around the time I hit middle school, it turned into another kind of greenhouse, with my dad growing over 300 varieties of spicy peppers in our yard and basement and stringing them from every available surface. No exaggeration. Here's an '03 picture of what hung from our dining room chandelier:
Well, last but not least, Jenny opened my eyes to this site. Take a look for sure. I promise, you'll think twice about those fast food cravings. But be warned: it's super unappetizing. Don't look while eating.
Until next time, Internet... enjoy your food for thought.
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