Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

I cannot remember the last time I cooked.

This is sad.

Remember, Internet, I traveled many thousand miles to attend culinary school across an ocean in the gastronomic capital of Italy. I know HOW to cook. I even enjoy it. A lot.

But, like I said, I can't remember the last time I actually did it. Unless making PB&J counts as cooking. Which I doubt.

I eat out for nearly every meal these days. It's pretty sad. For one thing, cooking your own meals is healthier than eating out. It's cheaper, it's more nutritious, and, to be frank, it usually tastes better. In my case, it's more busy-ness than laziness that dictates my eating habits.

But what about the rest of America? How many times a week do you prepare meals, Internet?


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Skinny on Food Love

Internet, my conscience sometimes makes it tough for me to keep not only a food blog, but a food-loving attitude, in a country where obesity is such a hot topic for debate. I've watched enough of Bob and Jillian whipping Biggest Loser potentials into shape to know that, sometimes, extreme love for food is a disease. The guilt I feel is probably akin to that that a blogger who wrote about, say, drinks with the highest alcohol content would feel, knowing that his readers may be recovering alcoholics themselves.

That being said, I do not think that love of food always has to lead to over-consumption or irresponsible consumption. In fact, I think part of food love is practicing moderation and making smart choices. I don't write about my favorite fast food here. Really, I don't actually have a favorite fast food. Then again, I grew up in a wacky community where fast food restaurants were outlawed. (Perhaps outlawed is a bit strong of a word? Well, they were not allowed.)

Anyway, in an effort to keep myself as well-rounded as possible (and I'm not talking about my waistline), I did a bit of research and came across a fantastic article. It's a bit lengthy, but it really screwed my head back on straight when it comes to making good choices in the kitchen... or in a restaurant dining room.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010